Saturday, January 30, 2010

Telling My Mom and Dad

My Mom and Dad came to visit for my birthday in October. We still were not sure when we were going to start telling. At a Mexican Resturant Steve said "I know you want to tell." If you know much about my parents and I it is really hard to keep a secret or not tell them what is going on in our lives.

We were sitting in the bar area waiting for a table. Steve leaned over and told me I could tell them if I wanted to. It was super noisy in the bar area but I decided to go ahead.

I looked over at my mom and told her that I was pregnant. She said "You are kidding." My dad didn't hear me because it was so loud. He was putting the lime in his beer.

They were super excited and we spent the rest of the evening talking about it. They can't wait to have another grandchild to spoil. Mimi and Poppa do a great job spoiling kids.

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