Saturday, July 24, 2010

Last Week Home

Hard to believe that I will be going back to work on Monday. It is going to be hard to leave him but he will be in good hands.

I really enjoy my job and it would be great if I could work part time.

Jerrin and I have spend some amazing time at home together bonding. I love my little man so very much. He is adorable and sweet. Think he already has mommy wrapped around his finger. He is growing up so fast and doing so many cool things. He smiles so big at us and then we go and get the video camera and he stops. He tries so hard to hold his little head up and has amazing control already.

On another less sad note.... We took him to get pictures taken. Think he did much better than we did. I almost didn't walk in the place because mass chaos was ensuing. Steve and I do not deal well with disorganization and children running amuck. People were everywhere. The high school kid with braces who was our photographer did a great job and was very patient with Jerrin. I will say you get what you pay for and we will not be going back.

1 Month

Jerrin was one month old on July the 14th. So hard to believe that time is go by so fast. He is such a sweet little guy. I call him my Very Hungry Caterpillar. He eats and eats and eats. He is so alert and expressive. He has started smiling and cooing. He makes all sorts of noises with his voice. I have resisted the urge to pull out the PLS or any developmental scales but I am sure I will. I am such the helicopter parent already much to Steve's dismay Doesn't help either that I am an OCD Speech Path.

Top 10 Things that I have learned about being a new mother not really in any particular order except #1

10. There are 965 ways to do everything. Everyone has a different opinion and they will tell you all about it.
9. It is ok for your house to be a little messy (I am still working on this one)
8. It is possible to be peed on, pooped on and spit up on pretty much at the same time.
7. If Matilda the Hun is posing as the nurse in the doctors office run the nearest exit
6. The Breast Pump is My Friend, The Breast Pump is My Friend, The Breast Pump is my friend
5. I need 2 extra hands at all times. Did I mention that the Breast Pump is my Friend.
4. I am getting pretty good at eating with my left hand and can breast feed and eat at the same time.
3. Sleep is a luxury you must get it when you can and you don't need as much when you become a mommy
2. Never say never.... I was never going to do this or talk about that.... Oh yeah you will.
1. Looking down into the face of the beautiful miracle God gave us is Priceless.

Visitors and Road Trip

We had so many sweet people come and see us. We even had some house guests.

Mindy and her new baby Owen came down from Norman. We had a great time. She encouraged me to get out of the house all along. She was right it does make a huge difference. We both love to shop so we loaded up the boys and went out for lunch. That was a big adventure. The Jason's Deli managers were so kind to us. We also went to the Highlands and the mall. Jerrin and Owen are 7 weeks apart. I hope they will be good friends.

Aunt M&M, Uncle Billy and Conner came from Alabama. They brought with them everything Auburn. Jerrin is supporting the Tigers in Texas. War Eagle!!!!! I am glad because he has a lot of OSU stuff and we have to be fair. His favorite song is of course Sweet Home Alabama. Aunt Christy also came to visit us from Amarillo. While Daddy and Aunt M&M were at the Advocare Success School Jerrin and I took them to the new Cowboys Stadium. Miss Haley took us on a great tour. The place is huge. Jerrin got his picture taken on the star on the 50 yard line. It was cool. Jerry World is something to see. Mrs Emily let Mr. Jon stay with us for a few days which was cool. He was a great help with Advocare and kettle bells.

Josh, Nicole and Blake also came by to see us. It was great to see them.

Road Trip Time..... Our first road trip was 4th of July weekend. We went to see the fam in Oklahoma. Jerrin got to meet Aunt Shoes, Aunt Rox, Uncle Stan, and Nanny Jenny and Poppa Bill. Plus hang out with Mimi, Poppa, Uncle Ty, Aunt Jessica and Crosbee. It was a lot of fun. We also got to have lunch with Aunt Kathy and Mike. We went to Ed's in Duncan. This was our first time to eat out with the little guy. He was hungry right when the food got there. Steve looked over at me and said.... "I bet you never thought you would nurse your child in this restaurant." No, No I didn't but hey the kid was hungry so what do ya do? I promised him I would always use a blanket in public. Which I agree is a a must. I hope that I did not offend to many people in Ed's that day but oh well.

Week One Continued

This week was also frustrating on the breastfeeding front. I was bound and determined that I was going to breastfeed my child. Jerrin was a very hungry little guy. They say the time period from when you switch from colostrum to milk is very frustrating for both you and baby. Well they are right.... Very being the key word.

At 4 in the morning mom and I decided that we needed to give him formula because he was crying a lot. I didn't buy any but I had some that came to me free in the mail. I didn't have nursery water so we boiled bottled water and attempted the formula. I later went to Wal Mart and bought the nursery water. Everyone knows how much I hate Wal Mart. I think I must have looked tired and pretty much awful. There was a very kind employee who was gracious to help me find the nursery water. I had no idea what I was looking for and never go to Wal Mart.

We went from having 6 poopy diapers to him not pooping at all. Which was very stressful. They recommended we give him liquid formula. Well this did the trick. We had projectile poop at this point. I didn't realize something so little could do that. I also made my best friend promise to call me if I spoke about poop to much and I guess she should do so. I never wanted to be one of those people but oh well.

Of the other highlights that I recall.... Here are a few.

My dad is so sweet. My mom called him and told him about the milk situation. He told her... "I am not saying that sis is a sow or a cow but she might try oats to help her milk come in. " That is what the scientist at the feed company recommend to farmers who are getting their animals to produce milk. My parents have owned an ag business for 30 plus years. So I ate oatmeal for breakfast with an Advocare shake mixed in, I ate oatmeal cookies and Crackle and Oatbran as a snack. I also tried warm shower, heating pad, warm water and drank mothers milk tea (whole foods thing). I think I tried it all. Not sure if it was a combination of oats or the fact that the nurse Denise told me to fill up the sink with warm water and dangle my boobs in the sink and hand express but whatever finally worked. So far so good but boy was that frustrating.

The other thing I remember was trying to read the book On the Night you were Born to Jerrin. Well reading this book is not such a good idea a few days after giving birth. It is a very sweet book but it made me cry. My mom felt so bad because I asked her to get it for me to read to him. I told her that I wanted to try and read it to him. My parents were kind enough to stay with Jerrin so we could go on a date. We went to see Toy Story 3. Well, the boy goes to college and gets rid of his toys. I started crying again. Jerrin was just a few days old at that point but I already know that I will be sad when he goes off to college. I think even Steve teared up but he wouldn't admit it. I cried a lot but it went back to normal soon enough.

Week One

I have never been one to stay in bed so the next day I was up. I have also always been a little tearful. I cried a lot that week. Because I was happy tired sad not really sure but I did cry a lot.

On Wednesday the nurse from the birth center came to our house. She was great. Jerrin was doing well and so was I. She did that foot stick thing where they test for different disorders. He was such a good boy.

That was also the day that I met the nurse from hell. I decided to use a pediatrician in Arlington from the recommendation of my coworker and friend. I was under the impression that I was only going to weigh him however I got a lecture on breastfeeding as well as horrible looks and a very poor attitude. Jerrin had lost a few ounces which is normal. She could not do math and told me he weighed 6lbs something. The lady was completely crazy. She told me that I was training my 2 day old and should go into his room at night let him nurse for 20 minutes, not talk to him and put him right back to bed. That I also needed to stick a pacifier in his mouth and not to allow him to put his hands anywhere near his face. The list of unwanted advice went on and on.

I went out to the waiting room where my mom was waiting for me. I put him in his seat and got to the car before I lost it. I was mad, and crying at the same time. I said some not so nice things that my mother had to hear. Steve called and my mom told him that I was a little upset. He took me outside when we got home and we talked. This lady had upset me beyond belief and I could not let it go.

Needless to say we did not go back that Friday and I very kindly told whoever answered the phone that their nurse was rude, unprofessional, condescending, uneducated and we would not be back. I hoped that another new mother would not have to go through what I went through. Apparently this lady has been making new mothers feel like crap for quite some time. A good friend also had the same experience and her child is 2.

I have never really been a confrontational person but there was no way that I was going to allow someone to treat me or my child this way. I have come a long way maybe it is age but Steve would say that he is the reason why I am a little more assertive. We compliment each other well. I rein him in and he helps me to express myself and not take "crap" from people.

We called the birth center and made an appointment to see Denise the nurse on Friday of that week. She was great. She reweighed Jerrin and he was back to his birth weight. She was so kind and patient. Becky, another midwife came in and reassured us that Jerrin was perfect.

We have found a wonderful doctor who is in McKenney. McKenney is about 50 miles away but I would drive to the moon and back to have a good doctor that allows me to take an active role in my child's healthcare as opposed to telling me this is what we are doing. Dr. Chartrand is great. He even has a cool ghostbuster car in front of his office which is in this awesome old house. His family lives above his practice and his wife delivered both of their children at the birth center.